"We want Refugees to be Self-Reliant".
Bondeko Refugee Livelihoods Centre, is a Refugee-Led Organization in Uganda and one of the first responders to the refugee crisis in the world. The impact of Bondeko's activities in the lives of thousands of refugees in Kampala every year is tangible in the community. And the only rational explanation to that, is the fact that all bondeko's activities are owned by the community. At Bondeko Centre, refugees design, plan, implement and give accountability of the activities.
The story of Bondeko Refugee Livelihoods in Uganda continue to demonstrates on a daily basis the accuracy of paragraph 34 of the Global Compact on Refugees that states: "responses are most effective when they actively and meaningfully engage those they are intended to protect and assist".
Bondeko's activities are meant to reduce refugee vulnerability and long-term dependency. They have the potential to help refugees become self-reliant and contribute to host economies by providing a basis for equality, equity, and empowerment.To reach our goal, we are implementing different activities within 8 main programs:
Capacity Building Program.
Livelihoods Program
Education in emergencies Program
Children With Disabilities Protection
Counselling Program.
Law Clinic.
Climate Action Program.
Youths Program (Sports, Games, Music, Dance & Drama).
Capacity Building
This Program is meant to strengthen the capacities of refugees and national with low income who participate in our activities. Under this Program we carry out financial literacy for the community, Capacity strengthening for the staff.
Children With Disabilities Protection
The Program for children with disabilities is about access to learning experience for these children. Often children with disabilities are being discriminated by family members and the community.
Climate Action
Climate change is affecting refugees in different parts of the world. A human beings, we're responsible for climate change. Human activities affects negatively the earth. Thus Bondeko Centre has initiated a serie of teachings to help children and youth understand which types of actions need to be taken to save our planet.
Livelihoods Program
At Bondeko Centre most of our activities are linked to the livelihoods program, either directly or indirectly. Through this Program refugees have the opportunity of being involved in income-generating activities.
Our main target for this Program are survivors of sexual violence in conflicts. Our counsellors are survivors of Sexual violence who have managed to cope with trauma. Now they provide peer-to-peer counselling to assist those who are suffering from PTSD.
Youths Activities
The football club, FC Bondeko, and other activities like the Music, Dance and Drama involve refugee youths. These activities have also an aspect of therapy as they help refugee youth to cope with trauma.
Education in Emergencies
Under the Education in Emergencies Program we have a Kindergaten that offers children refugees to access education in Early Childhood, so that they can become as competitive as other children when they reach primary school. We also have the English For Adults (EFA) to help refugees break the language barrier.
Law Clinic
We've identified that access to justice is still a challenge for refugees. In most cases they're lacking legal assistance in general.